Posts tagged with "night"

Hail Mother!

Hail Mother!

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

November 29, 2023

The night is alive, the night is alive,A dire alarm seizes the senses five,The soul shudders in awed

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Poem — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

November 19, 2023

A frontier is every hour and the moments wastelands endless,A new continent is each day teeming with

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The Forsaken

The Forsaken

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

December 27, 2021

Must I lose at close of dusk all gains since dawnAll the toil to ascend the will by night is effaced

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Come With Me

Come With Me

Poem — An Invocation to The Master

September 22, 2021

Come with me now to the roads I have strolled,The steep descending valleys of my musings,The lone co

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Night & Day

Night & Day


August 28, 2021

Kin art thou O night and day,An equal share of my bosom I give - One half for angry sun to flay,Othe

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Lasso Of Joy

Lasso Of Joy

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

August 18, 2021

Oh the anguishes packed into a human span,The mires that weigh down body’s existence,What tongue can

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Oh Night

Oh Night

Poem — An Invocation to The Master

August 11, 2021

Ah Night, clandestine mistress,In thy covert black shade our rendezvous,Peddling to heart all thy fr

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Trail of Dusks

Trail of Dusks

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

July 18, 2021

Wither this trail of dusks interminable,How many settings to herald Night?Each new twilight is more

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My Heart’s Prayer

My Heart’s Prayer

Poem — An Invocation to The Master

June 3, 2021

Through the camp of wail-filled nightI walk silent shielded by Thy light,The sights are all mauled b

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Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

May 2, 2021

I am mine no more, in me NatureHer suzerainty over parts does impose,Mind trails not the will’s curv

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Twilight Hour

Twilight Hour


April 1, 2021

Why grows mute my pen in this twilight hour,Why ink ebbs and doth sputtering cease?Can draw no more

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Woo Me No More

Woo Me No More


March 11, 2021

No more alone burn I, many a distant fire now is near,My being’s night is crowded by constellations

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Alchemy Art

Alchemy Art


February 10, 2021

A long trail of dusks was life, setting into nightsGrim and grimmer, the dark travail upon my browRi

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January 29, 2021

My nights set into greater nights unending,Not even a rumour of dawn’s hope lives now.My being’s roo

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New Battle

New Battle


January 15, 2021

My slate is emptied of all scrawls,The chalked figurines laboriously drawnOf conceptions made throug

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New Night

New Night


December 8, 2020

A new night of unknown mint creeps inWith a swarm of moons draped in amberGold, in dreams they slide

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Reluctant Wanderer

Reluctant Wanderer


November 12, 2020

My days wander in a field of trancesBearing strange moods, stranger thoughts,Each step is made throu

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Whoever Thou Art

Whoever Thou Art


November 2, 2020

A strange continent has overlaid unseenUpon the erstwhile pittance of my being.My tides have all gro

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Little Soul

Little Soul


October 31, 2020

Surely there is no measly flame at playIn this wide world made of soil and clay.A strange amalgam of

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October 2, 2020

VoicesO trooper, trooper where goest thouIn night of alarm that horrors show.Linger by our abode shi

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O Thou

O Thou


September 19, 2020

Behold this silent miracle hosted in me,Inconspicuous it probes fringes of improbability.A course of

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