Posts tagged with "thou"

Petulant Villain

Petulant Villain

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

December 7, 2023

Treacherous are thy waters O time,Littered with murderous eddies of desireAnd storms of passion ruth

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Immortal Eyes

Immortal Eyes

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

December 3, 2023

Why dost Thou employ beauty’s rhetoricOn my feeble person so easily swayed,Smiling ever so slyly fro

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All Too Real

All Too Real

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

December 2, 2023

And how, how couldst Thou stand in that throngReleased from the dire snare of time and fate,Thy slig

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Poem — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

November 30, 2023

By Gangā’s shore rose that spired sightHoused on a plot more humble than proud,At attention’s centre

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Am Unsatiated

Am Unsatiated

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

November 24, 2023

What miserly portion hast Thou made as mineFrom Thy capacities birthing stars in a noon-reverie,Cast

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These Flames

These Flames

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

March 21, 2023

And what then, what if Thou didst annulThe brief circuit of long-sought pilgrimage,Rendered our daem

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The Lists

The Lists

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

March 16, 2023

Where dost Thou enlist Thy prophets,Like jugglers in a sparse country fareSwirling hued hollow words

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Old Squabbles

Old Squabbles

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

March 14, 2023

Bear not bitterness of old squabblesBorn when soul naive-gazed and youngWith stumbling tottering exc

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Thy Design

Thy Design

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

March 1, 2023

Art Thou swayed by the oracle’s musicIn ill-lit caves and the incense of entrails,Or dost Thou incli

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Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

February 25, 2023

Come now then and partake Thy shareOf the snarling ill and seething woe,Beside me and in me take for

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Deny Not

Deny Not

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

February 20, 2023

From how many visages wouldst Thou frownDampening each limb of my fervent ardour,Yanking every step

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None Can

None Can

Poem — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

December 17, 2022

Oh I have despaired at Thy building spree,The many hells Thou hast planted in dream and reverie,My w

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Am Stung

Am Stung

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

November 19, 2022

My virtues were brief and vices enduringThe tumult of my deeds sowed ruinous seeds,From earth clime

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Grammar of Grief

Grammar of Grief

Sonnet — Daily Poetry to The Master of Works

October 10, 2022

“No more”, cried I, “no more to learn from lips all mortal,Grant me great Mother, grant me the One,

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Lone Bird

Lone Bird

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

July 19, 2022

Did I in some age long gone undone leaveSome grave penance to Thee foreswornThat Thou must such hars

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Thy Traits

Thy Traits

Poem — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

July 14, 2022

The heart is a wasteland parched and dryWhere once the waters of emotion flowed,Long flowed here the

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Unsulliedly Divine

Unsulliedly Divine

Sonnet — Daily Poetry to The Master of Works

July 12, 2022

Much too attached Thou hast grownTo the method and means of a hasty storm,The measured ways Thou has

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Fathers & Sons

Fathers & Sons

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

July 9, 2022

Oh, why art Thou unfamiliarly profound and intimately strangeLike some daily sun propped on the wall

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Another Day, Another Tale

Another Day, Another Tale

Poem — An Invocation To The Master

June 16, 2022

In the worn out hamlet by the seasons batteredBy the living routine their forbearance dulled,An into

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Dreams of Thee

Dreams of Thee

Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master

June 13, 2022

What enormity hast Thou left behindIn this gigantic structure of new idealsDwarfing the strenuous pe

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A Soliloquy

A Soliloquy

Poem — An Invocation To The Master

June 11, 2022

Wither O rebellion, O vainglorious fool,To what end all the drama of thy scheming,The candles that p

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