Posts tagged with "like"

My Ember

My Ember

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

December 11, 2023

Pale is the dawn, pale the trudging hours,Sapless like a mindless ritual’s empty gestures,All motion

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Thy Doorstep

Thy Doorstep

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

December 5, 2023

Does it count the thoughts that rise and passAs offering to Thee all enduring and immutable,Trudging

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Immortal Eyes

Immortal Eyes

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

December 3, 2023

Why dost Thou employ beauty’s rhetoricOn my feeble person so easily swayed,Smiling ever so slyly fro

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Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

November 26, 2023

The bold feminine from the mountain sourceWhite and pure, from crescent bearing tressesLeaping earth

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Little Hymn

Little Hymn

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

November 25, 2023

Here, besides me be, in this my daily sanctuary,When moments link arms for a musing shelter,Secluded

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Am Unsatiated

Am Unsatiated

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

November 24, 2023

What miserly portion hast Thou made as mineFrom Thy capacities birthing stars in a noon-reverie,Cast

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Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

November 20, 2023

How cheery is the assiduous antBearing its single grain of labour,Weaving its way like motioned-artB

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First Cell

First Cell

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

November 18, 2023

Who shall know the grim onslaughtFrom aimless hours that besiege,The mind is cleaved from thoughtAnd

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Uncounted Futures

Uncounted Futures

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

November 15, 2023

What manner of ardour is this of ThineThat binds and keeps me a prisonerIn sapless spaces with savou

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Spare Thee

Spare Thee

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

March 17, 2023

Make me no more chronicler of Thy cycles,Standing on a turret within and watchingThe drama of siege

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Old Squabbles

Old Squabbles

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

March 14, 2023

Bear not bitterness of old squabblesBorn when soul naive-gazed and youngWith stumbling tottering exc

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Teach Us

Teach Us

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

March 5, 2023

What trait of mind is it that gathersAround a sandgrain sign a calamity,Like an oyster of thought as

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Three Spears

Three Spears

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

February 23, 2023

The first assault was with the spear of desireLeaping from fond faces and cherished bodies,From ever

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None Can

None Can

Poem — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

December 17, 2022

Oh I have despaired at Thy building spree,The many hells Thou hast planted in dream and reverie,My w

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Pitiful Ghost

Pitiful Ghost

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

July 21, 2022

What use to Thee am I as a lifeless ghostShorn of vitals, stripped of senses five,Of conscious mind

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Thy Traits

Thy Traits

Poem — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

July 14, 2022

The heart is a wasteland parched and dryWhere once the waters of emotion flowed,Long flowed here the

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Fathers & Sons

Fathers & Sons

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

July 9, 2022

Oh, why art Thou unfamiliarly profound and intimately strangeLike some daily sun propped on the wall

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New Ritual

New Ritual

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

July 8, 2022

Does it grate Thy ears to hear the hymns of old,The odes of praise born from old discoveries?As when

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Poem — Daily Poetry to The Master of Works

June 29, 2022

Gracious is the lease of a new dayAnd use of limbs from ill revived,The founts of my muse barren sta

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Feeble Penances

Feeble Penances

Sonnet — Daily Poetry to The Master of Works

June 24, 2022

Like baby priests the birdlings screechWith mouths agape their hungry prayer,A dissonant hymn hearts

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Imperfect Gift

Imperfect Gift

Sonnet — Daily Poetry to The Master of Works

June 22, 2022

What vital breath this that animated movesYet cold and warmthless like winter breeze,Where gone the

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