Posts tagged with "go"

Imperfect Gift

Imperfect Gift

Sonnet — Daily Poetry to The Master of Works

June 22, 2022

What vital breath this that animated movesYet cold and warmthless like winter breeze,Where gone the

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The Wastelands

The Wastelands

Poem — An Invocation to The Master

November 19, 2021

Whose the hand sweeping out the storms,Who has barred the welkin to enter,By whose lullaby do sleep

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Sonnet — An Invocation to The Mother

May 11, 2021

Oh why must the throes of every birthBegin helpless, wary and aimless?In tenure of day gain a little

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A Sonnet

April 18, 2019

The forms are gone and so the names,All have vanished within inner planes.Gone the cherished face an

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A Sonnet

April 14, 2019

Few are the companions with me still,By their weak animations prod a dull thrill.Dream and wakefulne

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