Hi, I'm Mahesh Ramakrishnan šŸ‘‹

šŸš€ Entrepreneur and Engineer

šŸ’» Passionate about building innovative software products and tools

šŸŒŸ Mentored/incubated startups, and crafted cool projects

šŸ“ My blog is a poetic journey, migrated from Medium

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šŸ§˜ā€ā™‚ļø Dive into the world of Yoga and Hindu Spirituality through my poems

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Us Deliver!

October 31, 2021

Us Deliver!

Sonnetā€Šā€”ā€ŠAn Invocation to The MasterĀ #172

My soil is spent and depleted my human toil,
All the harvests dwindled, all produce ended.
The days script no more any orderly rule,
Only a vagrant whim all norm does upend.

I am a lone listless cloud goaded by winds,
Fleeing breathless across the azure sky,
The horizonā€™s haven line my heart seeks
For a mysterious end I know not why!

Oh what quandary is upon my grey brow
My hours and years now fruitless seem,
These wastelands I must outlive somehow
Or why visits occultly that golden dream?

O Spectator Divine, O Immanence, O Indweller,
From these confounding chains do us deliver!


October 9, 2017


A Sonnet

Barinā€™s Painting of Sri Aurobindo

Master, Teacher and eternal Friend
Thou the emissary from the beyond.
My deeps thou hast peered through
Seen all of me, taken it all to improve.

Thou had taken this humble coal
Touched by Thee for a greater goal.
Lovingly beaten by hammer and fire
Lashed by furies to its current attire.

Kneaded and goaded this ensemble
At thy grace my toddler self did tremble.
In which ages past and how I did gain
This path and thy presenceā€™s boon?

This, and this alone I now ask of Thee
May I serve Thee for all eternity.