Hi, I'm Mahesh Ramakrishnan 👋

🚀 Entrepreneur and Engineer

đŸ’» Passionate about building innovative software products and tools

🌟 Mentored/incubated startups, and crafted cool projects

📝 My blog is a poetic journey, migrated from Medium

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Fell-Sons of God

May 25, 2018

Fell-Sons of God

A Sonnet

Courtesy — Priti Ghosh

There is a thing we occultly know
An aim that we seldom show.
For we are assailed day and night
By a wail that hides the goal beyond sight.

Through this storm and gale
Lurks an unlikely and silent tale. 
This ruin of form and act
Harbours a fire, an eternal pact.

How low could we go, to serve our Lord
By hell and hate hold aloft our God. 
Inscribe on the grim foundation’s slate
A seal of God and a luminous fate.

For we are the fell-sons of God
We ferry His sun through abyss and clod.


September 20, 2021


Poem — An Invocation to The Master #134

Oh what breeze is this transpiring like faint hope,
Lingering like unexpected dew on a summer morn
On the keen precipice of a emerald leaf’s lip,
Here in this deplorable abyss of all life shorn.

Who art Thou, O wooer without compare,
From where learnt Thy art of luring us,
Like winds to a sailor only even more dear
Or a rapturous wine offered to Bacchus!

Is it Thou in the Promethean urge to fire,
Thy love of truth in Cassandra’s pleas
In defense of kin as Hector’s rising ire,
Or in blood-sandalled glorious Achilles?!

How dost Thou leap from the dullest hour
Into a storm of visions and possibilities?
Dost Thou know the earthy method slow,
On what speedy goad Thy swiftness impels?

Oh passion-fury, oh stormy-beauty,
Cascade Thy rapture-torments into me!