Posts tagged with "wait"

Wait Not

Wait Not

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

July 13, 2021

How many false facets like crosses borne,The many nails of errors riddling my body,How many falsehoo

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O Mother

O Mother


November 17, 2020

How many ages in the long cycles of timeHave we waited for the tread of Thy dawn,Our meagre orbs gaz

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Thus was I robbed

Thus was I robbed

A Poem

August 22, 2017

Castles I had built, peopled with dreams fairAll cherished and no room for despair.Just once I erred

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How to Invoke a Deity the Vedic Way

How to Invoke a Deity the Vedic Way

Go where human taint has not disfigured things. Bare foot, let clay and soil and water of the earth

May 11, 2012

Go where human taint has not disfigured things. Bare foot, let clay and soil and water of the earth

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