Posts tagged with "mother"

Hail Mother!

Hail Mother!

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

November 29, 2023

The night is alive, the night is alive,A dire alarm seizes the senses five,The soul shudders in awed

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Tome & Lore & Verse

Tome & Lore & Verse

Sonnet — A Prayer to The Mother, on Day 3 of Navratri

March 24, 2023

How many tomes have I perused,Scouring word and page for a clueFrom pile of words to dig and findThe

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Poem — A Prayer to The Mother, on Day 2 of Navratri

March 23, 2023


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A Prelude

A Prelude

Poem — A Prayer to The Mother, on Day 1 of Navratri

March 22, 2023


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Grammar of Grief

Grammar of Grief

Sonnet — Daily Poetry to The Master of Works

October 10, 2022

“No more”, cried I, “no more to learn from lips all mortal,Grant me great Mother, grant me the One,

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Mother of the Ages

Mother of the Ages

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Mother

August 20, 2021

A stutter and lisp mar my speech,My heart’s utterance Thee can’t reach,Mind upon inconstant wheels t

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To Them

To Them

Poem — An Collective Invocation to The Mother and The Master

June 25, 2021

A mother’s love is at birth of her sonYet a father’s eye is by deeds won,Maternal care extends throu

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This Earth

This Earth

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Mother

May 15, 2021

On an unmanned cradle of silent spaceDrifted my earth to reason abandoned.A djinn of science and his

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I Remember

I Remember

Poem— An Collective Invocation to The Mother and The Master

May 10, 2021

Why O Mother must He cast me thus,Framing my days in His sullen mood?All my prone pleas do not impre

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Meagre Offerings

Meagre Offerings

Sonnet — A Collective Invocation to The Mother and The Master

April 30, 2021

Who inhabits this frame vacillating thus,Hobnobbing with delinquents, ruminating with sages?Wither t

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This Birth

This Birth

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Mother

April 29, 2021

How many elements in my memory,Borne in bone remembrance of stone,In flesh are imprints of soil and

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Earth Awaits

Earth Awaits

Poem — An Invocation to The Mother

April 24, 2021

Halt awhile O splendid museToday thy overtures I must refuse,For thou must for me ferryThis plea to

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Her Command

Her Command

Poem — An Invocation to The Mother

April 23, 2021

Oh to be summoned awake by such a dawn,From the folds of night’s relapse releasedOnly to hear Her co

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Poem — An Invocation to The Mother

April 19, 2021

Apparatus have I noneOf thought or intelligence,Nor dexterity or contrivanceOf will or discriminatio

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Sonnet — An Invocation to The Mother

April 18, 2021

How nobly thou speakest of ignoble sceptredHands? How deferent to cobblers of science?What lay faith

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Poem — An Invocation to The Mother

April 17, 2021

In this dream we often call lifeHas entered a spectre black strife.Mocking with fear our brightest t

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Her Grace

Her Grace

Poem — An Invocation to The Mother

April 16, 2021

Am now upon the great shores of timeWhere break the waves of passing hours,I hear its poignant music

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A Plea

A Plea

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Mother

April 15, 2021

I scoured the thousand paths of thoughtAnd gathered a bough of many a mood,These as Garland I wove w

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Sonnet — An Invocation to The Mother

April 14, 2021

Oh how must I with tongue of clayPiously utter Thy solemn name,In what direction is Thy coming’s way

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The Answer

The Answer

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Mother

April 13, 2021

What apt gesture, what summoning hymn,Must I employ for Thy arrival imperial?What ardours rouse, Wha

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Release For Us

Release For Us

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Mother

April 12, 2021

A strange shadow has creeping loomedBreeding fear under its canopy dark,A menace from yellow lands e

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