Posts tagged with "word"

All Too Real

All Too Real

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

December 2, 2023

And how, how couldst Thou stand in that throngReleased from the dire snare of time and fate,Thy slig

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Tome & Lore & Verse

Tome & Lore & Verse

Sonnet — A Prayer to The Mother, on Day 3 of Navratri

March 24, 2023

How many tomes have I perused,Scouring word and page for a clueFrom pile of words to dig and findThe

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Have I Ever

Have I Ever

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

March 10, 2023

Have I ever brought Thee faded ardour,Fires with meagre shrivelled limbsWasted by passing storms and

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Merely Loyal

Merely Loyal

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master

February 24, 2022

What crisis to Thee did sorely demandThat Thou must ransom my life to time?For some age old debt tha

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Thee and Thy Word

Thee and Thy Word

Sonnet-An Invocation to the Master

February 15, 2022

Are these separate, Thee and Thy word,As from a rooted tree appears a fruit?Or is thy word like a wi

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Thy Words

Thy Words

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

January 17, 2022

What hast Thou poured in Thy wordsThat it must baffle and allure me so?What light is in there that v

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The Stranger and I

The Stranger and I

Poem — An Invocation to The Master

December 26, 2021

And asked he, the stranger, “Why must thou pourIn this cascade of words that none canst hearThought

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Word Unheard

Word Unheard

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

December 9, 2021

I have fled away from the world’s care brieflyTo seek in handful covert moments reprieve,As one impr

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Is It Thus

Is It Thus

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

August 29, 2021

I come to Thee like Nachiketa of oldMy heart burning with the query fiery,Awaiting an age at Thy por

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Orbit Thy Days

Orbit Thy Days

Poem — An Invocation to The Master

August 12, 2021

Much I have perused without avail,The tomes most encyclopaedicThat sum many words to a null,An empty

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Winning Word

Winning Word

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

July 8, 2021

Oh how mighty are Thy transfigurationsDextrously tending each limb of my fire,Reining my mind’s erra

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Poem — An Invocation to The Master

May 14, 2021

What magic in the bag of beingA reward brings by every rummage,Never empty of thought or feeling,Bri

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February 5, 2021

A painstaking tower I built, layering thought upon thought,Far above the human spheres, past wanderl

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February 2, 2021

In wide-eyed adolescence I often looked upIn wonder at science’s surface magnificence,All its schema

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Word and Vāk

Word and Vāk


October 19, 2020

I once stumbled on a brood of wordsAlive and musing unlike the common herdsThat lurk upon pages of a

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O Krishna

O Krishna


September 25, 2020

Through the long winding ages I dwelt keen on the pages,Uttering words of the sages and their living

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September 11, 2020

O flame-born quintessence, O fireling,In thy approach roused an entire tongue,Set aflame common mind

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August 26, 2020

I have spent the coin of feeling and thoughtThe purse of my being is now swiftly emptied.What little

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Guide -2

Guide -2


July 24, 2020

But I paused and wondered whySuch stratagem Thou must ply?Oh, I found then the webbed maze,That cour

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July 19, 2020

How dost thou escape every method,Know through ages by the written word?Word, index of thoughts well

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The Poise of Savitri -3

The Poise of Savitri -3


July 10, 2020

The tale grew in the Seer’s brain,Immaculate, precise with inevitable feeling.A grandiose assembly o

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