The Poise of Savitri -3
Published on July 10, 2020

The Poise of Savitri -3
The tale grew in the Seer’s brain,
Immaculate, precise with inevitable feeling.
A grandiose assembly of tremendous concerns,
Mirrored all tribulations in its plot,
Of man and soul and spirit transcendent.
The first versions already perfect,
By time-honed genius and muses’ free grant,
Hid a greater possibility to his revising eye,
Grown beyond human range to see subtler things,
Saw a symbol take shape from the familiar;
Love, lovers, antagonist and soul grew archetypes.
On each plane he rose there was a Savitri,
Each higher and nobler than one before,
And each spoke to him of newer deliberations.
The web of this tale spanned all realms,
So by deep musing eyes he raised the tale,
Each rung of ladder climbed he hauled each word
And phrase, allusions here were a reality there,
Poetic excess was yet feeble to write each splendour,
The parable slowly shed its garb to reveal the True;
Savitri, was woman and the Word and Spirit,
In her the I, the Many and the One dwelt together
In precise harmony by the highest Rtam,
Each thrust its close-held truth at appointed hours.
The words were now etched in Time,
In the secret scrolls where memories are eternal,
Surviving the convulsions of time and dissolution.
The tale done he gazed again musing,
This mass of words could yet do more;
Of all he accomplished this would be his lighthouse,
A temple of words housing his living power,
Not of bricks and stone that wither in time,
But words, the Vāk, imperishable and indestructible,
Would hold the index of his incalculable journeys;
Each floundering soul would see its light and shore,
Each pilgrim heart could venture its sanctum,
Even a traveller-whim could gaze at its inscriptions.
To each that ventured near his force would leap,
And bind them in his boundless love’s embrace;
As a mother who prepares her home
For children who must arrive in her absence,
So he prepared with infinite care the words,
His divine succour for humanity, and clue
For his mind-born brood in Time.
Note: An experimental evolving verse on Savitri. Will be continued.
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