Posts tagged with "hand"




February 2, 2021

In wide-eyed adolescence I often looked upIn wonder at science’s surface magnificence,All its schema

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She Lives

She Lives

A Poem

November 17, 2019

Wither the rainbow bridge marrying earth and sky?Here were denizens of nether worlds of malignant ey

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A Poem

April 25, 2019

O Hand, artist-eyed perfectionist,Of minute care in fibrous feather.

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The Inscrutable

The Inscrutable

A Poem

October 17, 2018

I am a numerous many and an empty noneBy many journeys past and those to come.No single theme in sig

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Hidden Hands

Hidden Hands

A Sonnet

October 12, 2018

What stupendous craft of hidden handsHas woven this splendour across lands!The minute ant and the sk

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