Posts tagged with "cast"

Only Can

Only Can

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master

May 1, 2022

How simple the first dreams wereAs brooder and thinker and doer too,By these deeds it seemed to be c

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Cast Me Anew

Cast Me Anew

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

December 7, 2021

Oh what am I to Thee glory-maned golden One,Am but a bumbling speck on an ignoble globeWandering aim

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Burnish Anew

Burnish Anew

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

August 22, 2021

Am I Thy marred coin for exchange unfitIn this bustling world-commerce of value,To be untouched by T

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Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

June 7, 2021

Like a potter I stay at turning wheel of dayAnd at night I mould keen my living clay,I forge my thou

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I Remember

I Remember

Poem— An Collective Invocation to The Mother and The Master

May 10, 2021

Why O Mother must He cast me thus,Framing my days in His sullen mood?All my prone pleas do not impre

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The Storm and I

The Storm and I


March 23, 2021

A piddling storm came ambling byBearing desire and fear with a sigh,“Take kindly Sirs, these offerin

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Of Her

Of Her


February 16, 2021

“Who art thou sapling, a tendril feeble and trivial,What business thine in this age for the titanic?

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A Poem

April 25, 2019

O Hand, artist-eyed perfectionist,Of minute care in fibrous feather.

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