Posts tagged with "thine"

Omnipotent Beloved

Omnipotent Beloved

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

November 23, 2023

How many sneering hours are made my shareFrom the short lease lent in this dim hemisphere,How many c

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Uncounted Futures

Uncounted Futures

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

November 15, 2023

What manner of ardour is this of ThineThat binds and keeps me a prisonerIn sapless spaces with savou

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Shirk Not Us

Shirk Not Us

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

March 4, 2023

Oh am baffled by the manner of Thy merciesArriving garbed like to some crude ceremony,Ever in unfail

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Who But Thee

Who But Thee

Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master

May 16, 2022

Of what aid is strenuous virtue or bleeding viceWhen at Thy whim like waves they rise and fall,What

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Unlike Thyself

Unlike Thyself

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master

February 23, 2022

Oh canst Thou not find in the entire universeOne common cause or purpose temporalBy which may meet o

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All Thine

All Thine

Poem — An Invocation to The Master

December 1, 2021

In the siege of events that pressA brief moment’s interlude intrudes,The heart remembers its vassalh

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Thine Own

Thine Own

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

October 18, 2021

I am left as a blinded bard upon the worldThe staff of will that props me was onceThy hand that thro

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Thine Am I

Thine Am I

Poem — An Invocation to The Master

August 4, 2021

What gaudy hand hath been hereLike a juvenile vandal venturing new worldTo sprinkle profane graffiti

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Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

July 10, 2021

It’s settled then, the meagre estate of selfIs now submitted to Thine offices,Its assignation to joy

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Thine Own Sun

Thine Own Sun

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

May 23, 2021

Ah, I have reasoned Thy silences,Peered behind Thy reluctance’s intent,A cause sole motives Thy reti

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Simple Prize

Simple Prize

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

May 22, 2021

Oh Thou wert ever Thine own counselAll mine fine arguments never held court,Every petition mine Thou

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March 30, 2021

And they asked, “What worship is thine,Where gone loftiness leaving only the puerile,Where the grand

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Agencies of Thine

Agencies of Thine


March 5, 2021

How many drownings shall absolve us whole,How many abnegations unchain our spirit wings,How many ren

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This Thine Earth

This Thine Earth


February 25, 2021

This Thine earth, deplorable and magnificent in turns swift,The life within that follows this fatal

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Of Her

Of Her


February 16, 2021

“Who art thou sapling, a tendril feeble and trivial,What business thine in this age for the titanic?

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End And Means

End And Means


January 8, 2021

How many improbabilities are thine O Spirit,Conjuring a living cell from deaf mute stone?Or propping

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O Sage

O Sage


November 13, 2020

Of all that labours in the mortal fieldsThine is the lion’s share of burden O Sage,Lugging bereaveme

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O Entrancer, O Beguiler

O Entrancer, O Beguiler


November 10, 2020

O Entrancer, O Beguiler, what immense beautyIs Thine, this rich harvest of gold from mire,Reaping fr

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O Seed, O Womb

O Seed, O Womb


September 14, 2020

O Impeller, O Fashioner, O Seed, O Womb,O golden Source of all, of mighty Ether home.Is this a dream

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August 18, 2020

A fervour takes an eager birthIn me given to drowse and sloth,The first instant of waking is ThineAn

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July 27, 2020

My meagre immensities fade away now,The familiar visage and its vast retinueGrow faint to barely rev

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