Agencies of Thine


Published on March 5, 2021

Agencies of Thine

Agencies of Thine


How many drownings shall absolve us whole,
How many abnegations unchain our spirit wings,
How many renunciations to reveal the soul,
Oh I have lost trail of count of these effacements!

Were we not caught in the wake of Thy vast sweep,
Our thoughts drowned in a drop of Thy thought-ocean,
Our little hearts snared happily in Thy love’s grip,
Our souls watered by Thy light into tendrils grown.

Turn our bodies into channels of light and force,
Helm our wills as a chariot of Thy sublime action,
Make of our thoughts a vehicle of Thy radiance,
Transmute our lives into Thy living emanation.

O Master, O Divine, render us in Thy image sublime,
Turn us each into mighty agencies of Thine!