Thine Own Sun
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #21
Published on May 23, 2021

Thine Own Sun
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #21
Ah, I have reasoned Thy silences,
Peered behind Thy reluctance’s intent,
A cause sole motives Thy reticence
Unto me who upon Thee am dependent.
Thou doth in Thy halls court nobility,
The warrior, sage and thinker bold,
To their gaze Thou doth shine radiantly
In Thy pristine white and marbled gold.
But I, I have waited for alm of a glimpse
Of Thee from the boundary of Thy door,
Whose bolt to mine orbs ever denies
Even a distant morsel of Thy splendour.
But Thou art Thine own sun O Divine Aristocracy,
What naive bumpkin soul mine to court Thy agency!