One Last Mercy

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #299

Published on March 17, 2022

One Last Mercy

One Last Mercy

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #299

A mercy was the birth Thou hadst conferred, 
A mercy the twin earth-orbs to gaze on Thee,
A mercy the lips that Thy name pronounced,
A mercy the heart that adores Thee entirely.

A double mercy the mind that opens
To Thy thoughts ever sublimely shining,
So too speech that from Thy store draws
Words like kine of the Sun undying.

A triple mercy is Thy inconceivable alchemy
That transforms yet my too human person,
So too my soul that endures augustly 
Every triumph and every tribulation.

One last mercy, nay a boon, I beseech of Thee,
Never again to this world-game must Thou invite me.