Posts tagged with "seed"

The Tree

The Tree

Poem — An Invocation To The Master

June 2, 2022

The dusty win of the seed in its tendrilFrom soil that is its womb and tomb both,A prelude to its fu

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Dumb Seed

Dumb Seed


November 3, 2020

My days trace the orbits of other suns,Nights prepare new births to commence.Helpless the heap of co

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O Seed, O Womb

O Seed, O Womb


September 14, 2020

O Impeller, O Fashioner, O Seed, O Womb,O golden Source of all, of mighty Ether home.Is this a dream

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The Divine Farmer

The Divine Farmer

A Poem

October 4, 2019

An arid wasteland and barren was my soil,It yielded nothing in spite of incessant toil.Petty lights

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