Posts tagged with "tree"



Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

February 13, 2023

O to be mutely supplicant like a treeHeeding stray benevolence of the sky,To be cast in soil and mir

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The Tree

The Tree

Poem — An Invocation To The Master

June 2, 2022

The dusty win of the seed in its tendrilFrom soil that is its womb and tomb both,A prelude to its fu

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The Coel and I

The Coel and I

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

January 12, 2022

How many aches does it continually feel,That tiny feathery pain wracked breast?Perched on tree like

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Eternal Tree

Eternal Tree

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

September 21, 2021

Besides a musing lake a symbol banyan treeOn the harsh field of ages we both must serve,There I shal

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Tree Of Life

Tree Of Life

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

September 16, 2021

What have I not spent for Thee,Threw open the heart’s gates wide,Made my mind Thy habitation free,Th

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January 30, 2021

Am but a form sprouted on the human tree,An outgrowth on earthly soil of deep roots,Labouring long t

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October 4, 2020

Back in the years in the days of yoreIn land of Bhāratha of mystic loreWas a lad brightened by eleve

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