Tree Of Life
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #130
Published on September 16, 2021

Tree Of Life
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #130
What have I not spent for Thee,
Threw open the heart’s gates wide,
Made my mind Thy habitation free,
The soul to Thee in fealty pledged.
Of all that was seen and cherished
Thee I held aloft high above all as best,
Yet to me Thou hast ever denied
Thy ardours and dream revelries blest.
Who then shall pen for Thee daily ode,
Craft a quatrain to hold Thy tread each;
Who remind of mortality on Thy eternal road
But my voice sounding through heaven’s breach?
On this great emerald tree of life am I
Thy only songbird clinging to last hope’s sigh.
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