
Published on February 13, 2023



Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #40

Pensive Poet —

O to be mutely supplicant like a tree
Heeding stray benevolence of the sky,
To be cast in soil and mire disdainfully 
Yet labour out bark and leaf for an uncaring eye.

O to stoop to every breeze and gust
And cower in all limbs perpetually,
To rear a hundred leaves bound to dust
And pay ransom in shade to a solar tyranny.

O the fealty observed in flower and fruit
To the bright hegemon lording the hours;
O to be supplicant sans a rebelling word
From seed to stump to annulling fires.

But alas, am sown with rebellions unlike the tree,
What Thou hast sowed must be reaped by Thee.