Eternal Tree

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #135

Published on September 21, 2021

Eternal Tree

Eternal Tree

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #135

Besides a musing lake a symbol banyan tree
On the harsh field of ages we both must serve,
There I shall await Thee through bodies many
In each appointed hour my fealty to prove.

In the remaining hours for Thee I prepare
Poise and will and heart well tuned,
Which soul shall bring such a blend rare
Of ardour and submission compounded?

Oh, I shall intuit Thy moods and inflections,
Shall bind my tongue and my thoughts ban
If they should intrude on Thy introspections,
My members remain sealed in deep veneration.

Thou shalt have no need to speak of me, 
Only meet me awaiting besides the eternal tree.