Black Name

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #19

Published on July 10, 2022

Black Name

Black Name

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #19

Who brings Thee daily odes whilst thronging the human roads,
Gathering every stray wildflower idea to make a bouquet 
Of words strung on a thread of many new ardours
And offered like a cherished ransom by the end of day?

Oh stoop not to me from a nonchalant sympathy,
Like Thee am unmoved and hardened by Thy ways,
Soon I shall mirror Thy disregard of mortality 
And learn to see all Thy world with Thy eye of eternity.

Come unto me, else the world shall barb Thee with words,
They shall say, “Oh, here lies another felled by heaven,
A heart ravaged and ruined by the pitiless immortals
Who sport with fates and ruin the lives of men!”

On my regard Thou must not earn a black name,
Possess me whole, be known as the most benevolent flame!