O Seed, O Womb


Published on September 14, 2020

O Seed, O Womb

O Seed, O Womb


O Impeller, O Fashioner, O Seed, O Womb,
O golden Source of all, of mighty Ether home.
Is this a dream, this Thine grace stupendous,
Or my imagination all Thine glory wondrous.
O dance-prone Feet here occultly housed
Could my littleness fathom Thy glory utmost!

PS: Nandanār, one of the Nāyanmārs- exemplary devotees of Shiva who broke into realms within where the Three-Eyed One cast His benevolence and love upon those He cherished. In an indrawn mood Nandanār blooms into a song of celebration and awed wonder in the Tamil tongue. This is an earnest attempt to bring a transcript of the inner experience rather than a literal word, or even a semantic, translation of the original. For those curious, here is the song itself titled Ennappan Allava.