I Remember

Published on May 10, 2021

I Remember

I Remember

Poem — An Collective Invocation to The Mother and The Master #2

Why O Mother must He cast me thus,
Framing my days in His sullen mood?
All my prone pleas do not impress
My just need for His gaze’s aid.

I have run His errand of lives,
Bore inane works embodied,
Attended minor squabble of wars,
In debating philosophies Him defended.

Why casts He then into far periphery
My seeking hours that call His name?
What vile rumour’s bitter story
Bars my entrance to His home?

Remind O Mother the duties,
His office of worlds can always run,
His script never err in blazing of stars,
Yet to what end His home without his son?

O Mother, by Thy grace I perchance am,
Yet a father’s gaze on a prodigal son
Can brighten the hearth and heart of home,
No other way can retain His reputation.

Ferry to Him O Mother my prayer,
“In my rise and fall I remember Thee O Sire!”