Posts tagged with "anew"

Cast Me Anew

Cast Me Anew

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

December 7, 2021

Oh what am I to Thee glory-maned golden One,Am but a bumbling speck on an ignoble globeWandering aim

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Burnish Anew

Burnish Anew

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

August 22, 2021

Am I Thy marred coin for exchange unfitIn this bustling world-commerce of value,To be untouched by T

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Wing Me Anew

Wing Me Anew

Poem — An Invocation to The Master

July 9, 2021

I draw no savour from drifting hoursThat aimless flow like a shallow brook,For all sap is drained fr

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