The Inscrutable
Published on October 17, 2018

The Inscrutable
A Poem
I am a numerous many and an empty none
By many journeys past and those to come.
No single theme in sight, only a glimpse
Of a hand seen and heart seized by surprise.
My vigil through this unending night
Prolongs by day and mind’s half-light.
Through this wasteland the ceaseless hammer
Of Agni’s many-limbed assault and clamour.
I tire of human fear and their staggering woes
Marvel at the deep felicity of a common rose.
What Sun illumines Earth’s heart below
That roots so assiduously plunge to follow.
It is Agni pounding on our hidden root
By his catalyst we bear unforeseen fruit.
This strange reversal’s scheme has turned
My days all fuzzy and my dreams to gold.
The hand and its bearer are clearer now
The Inscrutable captaining Evolution’s prow.
The Transcendent with a Form beyond description
Her occult Name is my heart’s sole inscription.
PS: Our offering to the Divine Mother, on day 8 of Navratri 2018.
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