Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi Day 5

Published on December 9, 2019

Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi Day 5

Sri Aurobindo’s Mahasamadhi Day 5

A Sonnet

Sri Aurobindo

A Hero-Will issued from that Solar realms,
Arrived here armed with supernal dreams.
A heart that adored equal the heavens and abyss,
Spared not its gifts to the heights and precipice.

Love matter most pliant like none before, 
The coarsest formulation distant gods abhor. 
To adore, be and become here as That above
Wide, grand, free as that blue-hearted Love.

This was no sole ray or a slivered eternity,
But the endless Sun waking future humanity. 
Luring the indwelling soul by His beauteous song,
Nudging nature and us from our ingrained wrong.

To Thee O Lord, we turn by our being all blind,
Transmute us whole akin to Thy kind.

Note: Offered to Sri Aurobindo by us, Kali’s Brood and Murli R, on the 5th day of His shedding the physical sheath to hasten and make feasible the descent of the Supramental in the Physical, this day of 9th December 2019.