She Lives
Published on November 17, 2019

She Lives
A Poem
The Mother
Wither the rainbow bridge marrying earth and sky?
Here were denizens of nether worlds of malignant eye.
Long were the moans pleading coaxing a reluctant world,
Lent not its assent for Her transmuting hand to hold.
A new world so close, to teach to be and walk,
The distant destined future here to touch and talk.
Yet the No, the primal refuser of life and light,
Had turned the sanctum into a lair of night.
Thus was that night, foreseen by forerunner lone
An assignation grim in matter’s foundation.
The layered worlds all above were ablaze,
Save the last perimeter visible to material gaze.
Of the innumerable purposeless hands that were ,
Could not clasp Her hand that would lead us there.
This world on a precipice of darkened fate,
Might wait yet an aeon for this possibility to get.
Primordial Shakti, who every impossibility refutes,
Descended in might to the last reluctant worlds.
Hurling will through howling nay of the Abyss,
Cast Herself here for His world to commence.
The Titan mocks in sly delight, ‘O it was not to be!’,
Yet She lives and becomes in Her brood if any could see.
Note: Offered to the Divine Mother, on this day 17 Nov 2019,
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