Posts tagged with "muse"



Poem — An Invocation to The Master

September 11, 2021

As I pause on the inkless page I wonderIf such a waiting for a reluctant museDidst ever make a Rishi

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Thy Muse

Thy Muse

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

July 14, 2021

I birthed an ode for every secret roadI had pilgrimaged seeking ever Thy abode,Crafted sonorous hymn

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Word and Vāk

Word and Vāk


October 19, 2020

I once stumbled on a brood of wordsAlive and musing unlike the common herdsThat lurk upon pages of a

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October 7, 2020

Not mine the surge and wash of energiesOr the restless quiver that blindly excites.Not mine the glut

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The Muse and I

The Muse and I


July 14, 2020

‘‘Twas but a few moons ago we dallied,Sweet muse, fickle goddess,By tree shade sheltered from jealou

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Divine Muse

Divine Muse

A Sonnet

October 13, 2017

Bundled sheafs that bear Thy lightAre piercing rays, luminous and bright.As an alchemist brews his m

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