Divine Muse

A Sonnet

Published on October 13, 2017

Divine Muse

Divine Muse

A Sonnet

Bundled sheafs that bear Thy light
Are piercing rays, luminous and bright.
As an alchemist brews his mystic potion
Dost Thou make of words an ocean!

A single word a world, thy single ray a sun
Thou the poet and the play, since the world began.
What whispered Thou, what word to Prakriti
That She so seems a mystery just as Thee!

Wherefore this word, whereof is this lyric
Strange is this speech, penned by Thee O Mystic.
Do the sages know, Rishis on Himalayan highs?
That Thou dost script their impassioned cries?

Leave that be, the sages can wait, O Divine Muse
Grant am by Thy word ingrained, that do not refuse!