All Too Real

Published on December 2, 2023

All Too Real

All Too Real

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #96

And how, how couldst Thou stand in that throng
Released from the dire snare of time and fate,
Thy slight meagre frame defying earthly wrong
To relay Thy higher self’s word divinely immaculate.

To what or whom didst Thou in that interval belong
In the pause before Thy lips uttered the high dictate,
Wert Thou a sun-baked man or a daemon too strong
Calibrating the fiery vigour of Thy force’s might?

Didst Thou sow in those thousand listeners rapt
Thy word like to that hero was once divinely sung?
Thou the charioteer of the souls there incarnate
And a nation whose redemption Thou must bring.

Thy deeds in word seemed like a lore mythical,
But now I know Thy travails were all too real!