Thy Muse

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #66

Published on July 14, 2021

Thy Muse

Thy Muse

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #66

I birthed an ode for every secret road
I had pilgrimaged seeking ever Thy abode,
Crafted sonorous hymn in subconscient dream,
Made myself immune to all its wayward whim.

The hours unveiled and the moments inspected,
In thoughts I uncovered Thy magic all obscured. 
Oh Thou art the rainbow and the zephyr slow
Caressing care-worn brow brooding of tomorrow.

Be in me domiciled, Thy banners to be read,
Proclaiming my vassalhood, to Thee consigned.
Build for me a song from bird-call and bee-throng,
From each human tongue Thy rapture do bring.

My syllabary is old, by long use weakened,
Lend Thy muse bold to cast Thy name in blazing gold!