Word Unheard

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #211

Published on December 9, 2021

Word Unheard

Word Unheard

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #211

I have fled away from the world’s care briefly 
To seek in handful covert moments reprieve,
As one imprisoned does in musings flee
To all the barred freedoms he can conceive.

In imagination’s chamber where no dark is,
Or the sandy penury of a barren desert,
Here where thought can conjure a paradise
Of happy valleys and joyful plains in a moment!

Into this secret rendezvous we can slip,
Thou and I, the immortal and the mortal,
Thou shalt teach dance’s measure to keep
When Thy rhythm peaks to rapture’s thrill.

Dance with me from every body herein,
Leave no word unheard of my passion.