Thee and Thy Word

Sonnet-An Invocation to the Master #269

Published on February 15, 2022

Thee and Thy Word

Thee and Thy Word

Sonnet-An Invocation to the Master #269

Are these separate, Thee and Thy word,
As from a rooted tree appears a fruit?
Or is thy word like a winged seed,
a carrier of flame, a syllabled incarnate?

Dost Thou know when we mull thy words,
As when a cub paws mane of leonine might,
Or dost Thy light quiver like nerves
When we grapple with thy word’s extent?

Dost Thou hear our approach in thought,
Our kitten-like stealth to grab thy meaning,
Dost Thou see our minds helpless drift
Upon thy word-body ocean-seeming?

Oh, to the sages I’ll leave these distinctions,
I shall but savour the music of Thy words!