Is It Thus
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #112
Published on August 29, 2021

Is It Thus
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #112
I come to Thee like Nachiketa of old
My heart burning with the query fiery,
Awaiting an age at Thy portal to behold
Thy answering summons to my cry.
What mystery is in wake and sleep
That remain unparsed through years,
How many sun-cycles must I keep
This endless vigil of hope and tears?
How one-sided colloquy of Thee and I,
My wave of words returns from Thy shore
Into my bosom’s silent ocean with a sigh
Gaining no word from Thy infinite store!
Is it thus, for soul and man upon earth,
Thou conjurest in Thy infinity a dearth?