Winning Word

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #61

Published on July 8, 2021

Winning Word

Winning Word

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #61

Oh how mighty are Thy transfigurations
Dextrously tending each limb of my fire,
Reining my mind’s errant steeds
That now trot to Thy will’s charter.

Haughty I roamed like a wreathed champion,
Disdaining the world and its peoples.
For even in my ruin was more elan
Than all grovelling victories commonplace.

But Thou, Oh Thou, my uncommon magician,
With a single charmed word slayed
All the past and future’s rebellion,
Purchasing my fealty with a single word!

Ah, I remember the winning word Thine,
When Thou grasped my soul and said, ‘Mine!’