

Published on September 11, 2020




O flame-born quintessence, O fireling,
In thy approach roused an entire tongue,
Set aflame common minds by thy mood,
Thy theme of freedom severed foreign bond.

O word-smith forging words in the smithy
Of thy blazing heart-fires of sympathy.
Too high a teacher of a dream-bound people,
Blind yet are they to thy words as a temple.

What sparks drew thou from our Master,
What urges received from that lightning-caster?
Taught He some counsel on this battlefield new,
Set thy course on roads reserved for the few?

Not forgotten art thou, in our hearts you remain,
As a star in our mind-skies you will always shine.

PS: In memory of Subramanya Bharathi- poet, nationalist, freedom fighter and above all one who briefly entered the ambit of our Master.