O Sire, O Sun

Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master #383

Published on June 15, 2022

O Sire, O Sun

O Sire, O Sun

Sonnet — An Invocation To The Master #383

An usurping will hath robbed me of all songs
Leaving my heart mute with a lifeless tongue,
I watched the world pass in coloured scenes
And none to the heart my old melody do bring.

The usurping will hath left the mind bankrupt
And no bright wingéd thought courses in mind,
Though is felt in mind no obscurity’s gate
Yet all seems held in an ungiven sanction profound.

No effort, no labour can dislodge this stalemate
Save Thee who ruleth with unbudging sceptre;
More severe, more dire than destiny and fate
Is this Thy grace so mirthless and austere.

O Sire, O Sun, august, infinite and immutable,
Shine a tad kindly on our mortality falliable.