Memory’s Ghost

Poem — An Invocation To The Master #372

Published on June 3, 2022

Memory’s Ghost

Memory’s Ghost

Poem — An Invocation To The Master #372

From cavern tombs of memory something stirred,
Where ere long resided the dead and the forgotten
Of many pasts that were slain or by old age lapsed,
A ghost of desire unappeased and lingering forlorn.

A grey plaintive form donning a visage of grief,
Mute lacking lips and ghost-eyes that eek not tears
Sighed through the passing winds belying belief
And in the haze conjured a vision of grievances.

A lay street appeared in the magical mist canvas,
On a bylane of careless time the fated scene
When love’s young initiate meets fates ruthless
And is turned to warm ashes sealed in an urn.

The foul moment arrived and passed in silence,
The skies protested not in lightning and thunder
Nor the life-gods their displeasure in storms
Nor the passionate Gandharvas shed one tear.

The scene vanished then and the ghost silent 
Seemed to say sans words, “A lonely burden
To bear love’s loss in one meagre breast,
Unshared my anguish by gods, demons or men.

To merely wander without pursuit or be pursued,
An exile to passion, an emigre belonging nowhere.”
Said a voice, “Ah, self bygone, this too shall be healed,
A joy’s salve shall soothe thy anguish and fever.

Return to thy silent lair and thy kin selves,
All the denied, felled and the uncompanioned:
Not in vain rains heaven or a soul shed tears,
For all is seen, all is known, thy anguish accounted.”

From the muse wingéd reverie I returned thence,
Back at Thy chamber door awaiting Thy summons.