A Prelude
Published on March 22, 2023

A Prelude
Poem — A Prayer to The Mother, on Day 1 of Navratri
May the seat of our being be sanctified by Thee.
Thus is our being sanctified.
May the seat of our vision be sanctified by Thee.
Thus is our vision sanctified.
May the seat of our hearing be sanctified by Thee.
Thus is our hearing sanctified.
May the seat of our thinking be sanctified by Thee.
Thus is our thinking sanctified.
May the seat of our discrimination be sanctified by Thee.
Thus is our discrimination sanctified.
May the seat of our adoration be sanctified by Thee.
Thus is our adoration sanctified.
May our soul turn its eyes and ears and mind and will and heart to Thee.
Thus is our all sanctified.
And now we commence our worship of Thee O Mother.
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