Posts tagged with "shadow"



Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

February 17, 2023

It is Thee, it is Thee who hast stolen my melody,My song-tongue now lies wedded to silenceAnd savour

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Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master

April 22, 2022

What are these shadows that over being pass,Scars unreal that move across the body,What shadow touch

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Shadow Play

Shadow Play

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

July 19, 2021

How many lives in a single oneAround the flame of love revolved,Born in a bright pure perfectionBut

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Release For Us

Release For Us

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Mother

April 12, 2021

A strange shadow has creeping loomedBreeding fear under its canopy dark,A menace from yellow lands e

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