To Them
Published on June 25, 2021

To Them
Poem — An Collective Invocation to The Mother and The Master #3
A mother’s love is at birth of her son
Yet a father’s eye is by deeds won,
Maternal care extends through lives
And paternal restraint only measured gives.
All sweet words a mother pours
Is often weighed equal to a father’s rebukes,
For love oversees blatant error
And wisdom concedes no unearned favour.
To a son are they twin eyes
Even as in man the soul abides,
Fair fortune has he attained
Who ventures their grace to his side.
From Her is all my love and care,
From Him all the verse and flair.
She the builder of being’s foundation
And He the impeller of becoming’s action.
To Them O World I owe my allegiance,
For such is the conduct of dutiful sons.
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