This Earth

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Mother #20

Published on May 15, 2021

This Earth

This Earth

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Mother #20

On an unmanned cradle of silent space
Drifted my earth to reason abandoned.
A djinn of science and his ruinous race
Have on all brows a nightmare engraved.

The earth convulsed by his darkling force
Birthed in tubes of a lab-white demon,
This miniscule ogre without remorse
Who seeks the living fire to unthrone.

To my future home on a subtler earth
A prayer flew on wings of aspiration-fire,
“Thy earth, O Mother, in vile force’s clutch,
We beseech Thy power and Thy divine ire.

In Thy arms cradle this earth O Mother,
Redeem us from this nightmare forever!”