A Plea

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Mother #6

Published on April 15, 2021

A Plea

A Plea

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Mother #6

I scoured the thousand paths of thought
And gathered a bough of many a mood,
These as Garland I wove with a will deft
And placed it at Thy feet most blessed.

From my heart’s wellspring I did conjure
A hundred flames by will striking will,
Sustained has been my aspiring labour
Yet these do not satiate me still.

Give me ardour piled like snow on peaks
Where broods the Silence bathed in ash,
Give me askesis like wielder of lightnings
Who unbars many worlds in a single flash!

With all these a single plea I would make,
“Save all worlds O Mother, if only for His sake!”