Single Being, Single Soul

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #336

Published on April 23, 2022

Single Being, Single Soul

Single Being, Single Soul

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #336

Every day into the mire of the world I plunge
That no spot of mind or heart is spared
The staining dye of the mortal range
And I as an exemplar of humanity do stand.

In me Thou shalt find every mar dimly cast,
Every deformity of night crookedly done,
Of ignorance most decorated exponent,
A single block of imperfection perfected.

Oh scour not the worlds for an apt specimen
For Thy transformation’s cellular scope,
I am Thy prodigal son scouting night’s den
And have amassed all falsehoods in my grip.

A single being for Thee to possess, a single soul,
Transform me then and Thou shalt transform the whole!