O Unfathomable

Published on June 27, 2021

O Unfathomable

O Unfathomable

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #51

A strange Divine hath my heart chosen
Who forever upends my seeking prayer,
For all fruits I yield suffer inversion,
In seeking heaven I earned new mire!

Knowledge I sought to dazzle men,
Pursued tomes with zest and vigour,
Yet each page turned left me barren,
My mind stands like a hermit bare.

Speech I sought to dispense wisdom,
Words like deities to confer meaning,
Yet tongue is possessed by a mood glum
For a will hath barred all its voicing.

Power I sought for lasting deeds,
Deeds that outlast a human span,
Yet I grow into subtler incapacities,
I become all the debilitations of man.

Love I sought, the heady brew
That intoxicates heart with nectar,
Its fire so constant, its fire so true
Now mourns each felled desire.

What purpose for Thee my barren shell,
Only Thou doth know, O Will unfathomable!