Little Hymn

Published on November 25, 2023

Little Hymn

Little Hymn

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works #89

Here, besides me be, in this my daily sanctuary,
When moments link arms for a musing shelter,
Secluded from profane hours by a deep piety
Like a hermit’s hermitage or sage’s cave-lair.

Here, by an arcane gesture’s ritual geometry
Is conjured a sanctum by devotion’s ardour,
And Thy sigil stands there in haloed glory,
Alive to my entreaties, my ardent prayer.

There a lamp, with will for wick poised delicately,
Fuelled by words sourced with discerning care
And flame-spark borrowed from the heart foundry
Where yet is preserved persistent aspiration-ember.

Now my little hymn shall sound endlessly
Like an unbodied priest chanting sonorously.