Thy Name

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #149

Published on October 7, 2021

Thy Name

Thy Name

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #149

How many hours and years I had gathered
Deeds many like gems coarse and subtle
To purchase from life many a bright reward
But all these proved to be worthless little.

How many pages and tomes I had perused
Gleaning from them glut of priceless clues,
Proud I strutted into the bazaar of the world
Only to be rebuffed, charged with ignorance.

The musing moments opened their precipice
Welcoming me to savour futility’s despair,
And then from mine memory a lasso leaps
Seizing my heart away from that fatal air.

It said, ‘Dig, dig into the depths of thy being,
Ferret the sovereign key buried deep within,
By it opens all doors that time can bring
Upon all roads that fates can ever design.’

I paused and climbed the spire of trance,
And upon an apex of little breath or mind
I found Thy moniker flaming glorious
In me secret and in all occultly embodied.

Now I smile to myself like one covertly loved,
For I have known Thy name O Immortal Beloved!