Forever Radiant

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #15

Published on May 17, 2021

Forever Radiant

Forever Radiant

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #15

All mine gushings petered to slender brook,
The strong passions whittled to single intent,
Like a potter to his wheel’s dizzy work
All my hours spin towards the soul’s moment.

I have eschewed virtue like a garment gaudy
For a robe of tattered vice without shame.
My feet ever set on their pilgrimage steady
Through this whirling earth to Thy home.

Thy silent assent yet lights up my hope;
I labour here in the subterranean mire
To unclog doors that are loathe to ope,
That lead us well to Thy golden lever.

By my body Thy supplicant and mind ever pliant,
Fashion O Sire a dawn for earth forever radiant.