Posts tagged with "teach"

Teach Us

Teach Us

Sonnet — Daily Poetry for The Master of Works

March 5, 2023

What trait of mind is it that gathersAround a sandgrain sign a calamity,Like an oyster of thought as

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Teach Me

Teach Me

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master

April 15, 2022

Wilt Thou teach me to be not impulsive,The trait that earns me much infamy,To curb the gambler’s whi

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Teach Me

Teach Me

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

December 31, 2021

Oh, if all songs are but Thine, whence my impudence?!How long have I profaned by opinion Thy song?!A

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Teach Me

Teach Me

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master

December 28, 2021

Why must a lay day appear thusAs if the night hath parted a veil away,Where gone the deep infused dr

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