Teach Me
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #233
Published on December 31, 2021

Teach Me
Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #233
Oh, if all songs are but Thine, whence my impudence?!
How long have I profaned by opinion Thy song?!
And Thou didst bear it all, oh how may complaints
Didst I ply on Thee who art without any wrong?
Did it fall on Thee, my barb and sting of ignorance,
Did it mar Thy mood, lowness of my presumption?
Oh what mixture is in these brackish earth waters
Bending and festering our fires to deviantly burn?
This bodily alloy made of night infernal and earth
Stubbornly unyielding to mind and insistent will,
Our sight then kept within ignorance’s width
Looks at Thy marvels and presumes them ill.
Oh unburden me from these falsifying scales,
Teach me the chords of Thy higher harmonies.